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ovides a variety of finance options including consumer loans, CHP, Chattel mortgage as well as broad range of online insurance s

olutions. Age spots are aptly named. These dots or splotches of excessive pigmentation often appear on the face, making us look

older. Many people want an effective face lotion to reduce age spots. But, as in choosing many types of skin care, there are thi

ngs to look for, and ingredients to avoid, if youre looking to get rid of these. Age spots are actually caused by sun overexposu

re. They are not triggered by reaching a certain age, but by too much exposure to UV radiation. This exposure causes an overprod

uction of melanin to kick in, and spots of darker pigmentation occur on the skin. There are several so-called solutions to age s

pots out there on the skin care market. But many of these are problematic. One of the most common ingredients for lightning thes

e areas is hydroquinone. In fact, many skin lightening creams have this product as their main effective ingredient. However this

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